Contrary to prevailing linguistic opinion, Mr Khaire has proposed the ‘Sammata संमत (Samskrit-Marathi-Tamil)’ hypothesis of the unity of all Indian languages and of the formation of Sanskrit from their ancestor dialects, thus challenging the age-old division of language families and the Aryan Aggression theory. He has observed considerable similarities between Tamil and Marathi and given sufficient evidence of meaningful etymologies on this basis, as opposed to sound-based ones. He has presented several papers in Marathi, English and Sanskrit on this theme. Some of his books that explain this hypothesis are
- ‘Dravida Maharashtra द्रविड महाराष्ट्र’ which explains Marathi place names on the basis of Tamil;
- ‘Marathi Bhasheche Mula मराठी भाषेचे मूळ’ which discusses the connections between Marathi, Tamil and Sanskrit;
- ‘Adagula Madagula अडगुलं मडगुलं’ which brings out Tamil content in Marathi words related to all walks of life (received the Maharashtra State Award in Linguistics and Grammar).
An offshoot of his linguistic studies is a multidisciplinary, in-depth inquiry into Indian Mythology. It aims towards understanding the myths rather than interpreting them or deriving history from them. Thus, Hanuman is neither a god nor a monkey nor member of a tribe, but a myth based on the phenomenon of the Comet which is ‘hairy’ and has a ‘tail’. He has similarly explored the original myths at the root of many episodes in Vedas, Ramayana and Mahabharata, in numerous articles and papers read at seminars and national and international conferences. He has translated Vedic hymns in Marathi verse (Vedaatalii Gaanii वेदातली गाणी) and also explained the genesis of miracles ascribed to Jnanadeva (‘Jnaneshvaranche Chamatkaar ज्ञानेश्वरांचे चमत्कार’). His book ‘Bharatiya Mithyancha Magova भारतीय मिथ्यांचा मागोवा’ on the subject has received the Maharashtra state and three other literary awards.
©2011, Shri Vishvanath Khaire. All rights reserved. Copyrighted material contained in this website belongs to the writer Mr Vishvanath Khaire